Dr. Kandel believes that the best path to good health is understanding the whole person and that collaboration between doctor and patient is critical. Dr. Kandel welcomes a teamwork approach with other practitioners in service to his patients. He will go the extra mile to make sure patients have the very best care through understanding each case, research, comfort, and care.
What is an acupuncture treatment like?
Acupuncture involves the placement of ultra-thin sterile single use filaments into select sites on the body that are left in place for about 20-40 min. Patients are positioned comfortably and the full treatments may include, cupping, and some massage or acupressure if appropriate.

Common Conditions Treated By Acupuncture
Abdominal Pain & Bloating, Allergies, Anxiety, Asthma, Back Pain, Bronchitis, Chemotherapy/Radiation Side Effects, Chronic Fatigue and immune problems, Colds and Flus, Colitis, Constipation, Constipation, Depression, Dermatological Disorders, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Earache, Fibromyalgia, Food Allergies, Gastritis, Hay Fever, Headaches and Migraines, Hemorrhoids, Indigestion, Insomnia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Musculoskeletal Problems, Neck Pain, Post-Operative Recovery, Sciatica, Skin Problems, Shingles, Sinusitis, Sore Throat, Spastic colon, TMJ, Weight Control

Key Benefits of Acupuncture
Supporting Women’s Health and Men’s Health
Chronic Bladder Infection, Complications in Pregnancy, Endometriosis, Fibroids, Impotence, Infertility in Men and Women, Irregular, Heavy or Painful Menstruation, Kidney Stones, Morning Sickness, Sexual Dysfunction
Treating Musculoskeletal and Neurological Disorders
Arthritis, Back Pain, Bell’s Palsy, Bursitis, Headaches and Migraines, Muscle Spasms, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Shingles, Sprains, Stiff Neck, Stroke, Tendonitis, Trigeminal Neuralgia -
Overcoming Stress, Emotional Disorders and Addictions
Alcohol, Anxiety, Depression, Drug Dependency, Insomnia, Smoking Cessation, Stress, Weight Loss
01 | What is an acupuncture treatment like? Acupuncture involves the placement of ultra-thin sterile single use filaments into select sites on the body that are left in place for about 30-50 min. Patients are positioned comfortably and the full treatments finish with brief massage or acupressure if appropriate. |
02 | Does acupuncture hurt? Dr. Kandel is well known for his painless treatments—and takes extra care to ensure the comfort of his patients. First time patients often ask if it hurts, but returning patients say it is rare to experience anything beyond a tiny pinch as the ultra-slender, sterilized stainless steel filaments are inserted. Unlike hypodermic needles which are hollow, the shape of the acupuncture filament tip is well designed to minimize sensation. Also, we use the Japanese technique which uses a guide tube further reducing sensation. Many patients are so relaxed they fall asleep during the treatment. |
03 | How does Acupuncture work from a Western perspective? Acupuncture is time tested (over 4000 years) as clinically effective and (DELETE better DELETE) are understood from scientific perspective than ever before. From a western medical perspective acupuncture has at least three avenues of function in the body. The first is that microstimulation of the filaments stimulates an immune response in the local skin tissues at the site of insertion that has a “net” effect on local tissues reducing pain, inflammation, spasm and scar tissue. The second and third routes work through the transmission of a signal through the nervous system influencing receptors near the spinal cord and deep in the brain. In addition to benefiting musculoskeletal pain, they influence neurohormones that can regulate stress, mood, sleep, hormones as well as inflammation and pain. Dr. Kandel has done extensive literature review on the science behind acupuncture and his explanation to patients as well as presentations of this topic are well received by the scientific minded as well as the medical community. |
04 | How do you explain acupuncture from a traditional perspective? From a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, acupuncture works by facilitating the flow of energy, or “Qi” through the body by stimulating points located along the energy channels known as meridians which connect all of the major organs. (Recent studies look at micro-electrical signals within the facia, creating a new link between science and traditional explanations.) Assessing the relative health of the “Qi” is done through the clinical intake, observations, and palpation of the body. This medical art has been developed to a very sophisticated level in Chinese Medicine. The art of piecing together the often complex puzzle of patients' multiple issues becomes highly developed in the veteran doctor of Chinese medicine. Consequently, this tradition has a deep respect for seasoned doctors who have learned from their years of clinical experience and study. |
05 | Can acupuncture heal my condition? Some conditions are completely curable and others effectively managed with acupuncture. For other conditions, acupuncture is not the answer. Dr. Kandel dedicates focused time to each case history to understand a patient’s goals and to educate about realistic expectations for treatment. The healing time for a neck or back strain for example can often be greatly accelerated to a complete cure. Arthritis or a long-standing disease might be assisted greatly with acupuncture along with careful attention to stress, activity level and diet. For people using acupuncture for stress, insomnia, or emotional well being– the treatment is a powerful catalyst toward self regulation. Patients are consistently surprised at the power and effectiveness of acupuncture. |
06 | How Will I feel After Treatment? “I’m relaxed” or “I feel calm”…"euphoric"… "balanced” are typical descriptions patients provide after treatment. Because of the systemic effect, and the body’s own release of pain and mood calming neurochemistry, patients often mention lifestyle improvements beyond the acute issue they are also getting treated for. “I’m sleeping better, “I’m not stress eating”, "my other hip doesn’t hurt.” It is important to drink water and rest if needed after treatment, and it is helpful to schedule time to relax after visits. |
07 | How Many Treatments will I need? Dr. Kandel will provide a prognosis and treatment plan to understand what to expect based on your individual health issue and goals. Generally for a very new condition you may require only a few treatments. A chronic or longer term problem may require a course of 6-10 visits. Many patients utilize acupuncture for health prevention or maintenance for a chronic issue. Some have a treatment as frequent as weekly, or as infrequently as two times a year. Some patients just come to me every few years when they have a new problem. |
08 | How is Acupuncture Different that Acupressure? Acupuncture uses single use filaments placed in the skin. Acupressure is a form of massage using finger pressure. Dr. Kandel is also highly trained in traditional acupressure or “shiatsu” and often combines this his acupuncture treatments. For patients with needle phobia, Dr. Kandel can provide treatments without acupuncture filaments. Though both are effective, acupuncture treatment is proven to be much stronger with more lasting results than with acupressure. The training and licensure for an acupuncturist is 4 years for a Master's, 6 years for a Doctorate and requires a state board exam. An acupressurist training is the equivalent of a massage therapist. |
09 | Are there side effects? Acupuncture has been described as having “side – benefits” rather than side effects. Occasionally, and rarely there is a small bruise at one treatment site. Patients with certain conditions may feel temporary fatigued after treatment for one day, but this is often better after several treatments. |
10 | Does Insurance Cover Acupuncture? Some insurance companies cover acupuncture. Our staff is very helpful in assessing insurance coverage and we provide insurance billing services for patients with coverage. Medicare does not cover acupuncture, but we do provide discounts for cash payments, students and seniors. |
Interested in Acupuncture?
Acupuncture can treat many common conditions and ailments.
Give Dr. Kandel a call to setup a time to review your case at 805.922.4490
Sore Throat
Hay Fever
Nerve Deafness
Ringing in the Ears
Poor Eyesight
Chronic Fatigue
Epstein Barr Virus
Smoking Cessation
High Blood Pressure
Angina Pectoris
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
Irregular, Heavy or Painful Menstruation
Chronic Bladder Infection
Complications in Pregnancy
Morning Sickness
Kidney Stones
Infertility in Men and Women
Sexual Dysfunction
Colds and Flus
Acupuncture Also Treats
Chemotherapy/Radiation Side Effects
Drug Dependence
Alcohol Dependence
Food Eating Disorders
Weight Loss
Back Pain
Stiff Neck
Bell’s Palsy
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Headaches and Migraines
Cerebral Palsy
Muscle Spasms
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Spastic colon
Food Allergies
Abdominal Bloating
Shingles (Herpies Zoster)