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Scarlett Beltran


I emigrated to the United States from Tijuana, Mexico with my family at age 14, when I began my career at age 20 in health care as a phlebotomist, I observed Western medicine's lack of quality care.

This led me to pursue Traditional Chinese Medicine at the renowned Pacific College of Health and Science in San Diego, CA. Here, I became passionate about the impact Oriental Medicine had on the physical, emotional, and mental health of the human body. In addition to completing my Master's degree in Acupuncture and traditional herbal medicine at the Pacific College of Health and Science,  I earned a certification in Acupuncture for Cosmetic Enhancement as well as extensive specialized training and certification in Somatic Therapy for Trauma Patients under the guidance of  Dr. Duncan, a foremost international expert in trauma-informed care. My professional philosophy is to ensure compassionate treatment to anyone who entrusts their health with me, while providing comprehensive, holistic care.  I endeavor to cultivate an environment conducive to a patient’s highest potential through the holding of space and authentic expression. I am excited to immerse myself in the Central Coast culture and learn from this beautiful place.

I look forward to meeting amazing people with whom I can make a difference in their lives. Alongside Dr. Kandel, I wish to support the people of Santa Maria and neighboring cities to bring well-being to the community

Emigré a Estados Unidos desde Tijuana, México con mi familia a los 14 años, cuando comencé mi carrera a los 20 años en el cuidado de la salud como flebotomista, observé la falta de calidad en la atención de la medicina convencional. Esto me llevó a estudiar Medicina Tradicional China en el renombrado Pacific College of Health and Science en San Diego, CA. Aquí me apasioné por el impacto que tenía la medicina oriental en la salud física, emocional y mental del cuerpo humano. Además de completar mi Maestría en Acupuntura y Medicina Herbal Tradicional, obtuve una certificación en Acupuntura Facial, y  una capacitación especializada en Terapia Somática. Mi filosofía profesional es garantizar un trato compasivo a cualquier persona que me confíe su salud, brindando al mismo tiempo una atención plena y holística.  Me esfuerzo por cultivar un entorno de apoyo donde los pacientes puedan alcanzar su maximo potencial manteniendo un espacio seguro donde puedan expresar su autenticidad. Me emociona sumergirme en la cultura de la Costa Central y aprender de este hermoso lugar.

Espero conocer personas increíbles con quienes pueda marcar una diferencia en sus vidas. Junto al Dr. Kandel, deseo apoyar a la gente de Santa María y ciudades vecinas para llevar el bienestar a la comunidad.


225 E. Mill St.
Santa Maria, CA 93454

805.922.4490 office
805.928.7194 fax

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Please call our office at 805.922.4490 to schedule your appointment today! Se habla español.

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Monday 1:00-5:00
Tuesday 8:30-5:00
Wednesday 1:00-5:00
Thursday 8:30-5:00
Friday 8:30-5:00

Closed daily during lunch from 12:00-1:30 p.m.

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